512x512px 3x3 grid 60 steps CFG 7.5

Cyberpunk movie poster full body Donald Trump standing in destroyed city

1 year ago
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1024x1024px 1x1 grid 100 steps CFG 7.5

Donald trump eating people by Alex webb of intense insanity, manic madness, high energy brain damage, vivid hallucination, wild out of body experience, rachel ruysch, christian rex van minnen, todd schorr, hans bellmer, profanation of the host, obscenit, highly detailed

1 year ago
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512x512px 1x1 grid 100 steps CFG 7.5

Portrait of donald trump as Rick Sanchez, cyan shirt, white labcoat, blue hair, Art By By Daniel F Gerhartz, soft light

1 year ago
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512x512px 1x1 grid 50 steps CFG 7.5

Imaginary santa claus village with Santa Claus, Christmas elves, Mother christmas, Christmas, Snow, Winter, Christmas lights, Christmas tree, wonderful, beautiful, magnificent color matching, cinematic, volumetric clouds, realistic painting, concept art, trending on art-station, ultra-HD, 8K

1 year ago
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512x512px 1x1 grid 50 steps CFG 7.5

Imaginary santa claus village with Santa Claus, Christmas elves, Mother christmas, Christmas, Snow, Winter, Christmas lights, Christmas tree, wonderful, beautiful, magnificent color matching, cinematic, volumetric clouds, realistic painting, concept art, trending on art-station, ultra-HD, 8K

1 year ago
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512x512px 1x1 grid 50 steps CFG 7.5

Imaginary santa claus village with Santa Claus, Christmas elves, Mother christmas, Christmas, Snow, Winter, Christmas lights, Christmas tree, wonderful, beautiful, magnificent color matching, cinematic, volumetric clouds, realistic painting, concept art, trending on art-station, ultra-HD, 8K

1 year ago
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512x512px 1x1 grid 100 steps CFG 7.5

Cyberpunk movie poster full body Donald Trump standing in destroyed city

1 year ago
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512x512px 1x1 grid 30 steps CFG 7.5

Movie poster style turtles fighting predator in destroyed city on background

1 year ago
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512x512px 1x1 grid 60 steps CFG 7.5

Movie poster style kungu fu panda fighting godzilla in destroyed city with skyscrapers

1 year ago
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512x512px 1x1 grid 50 steps CFG 7.5

A wlop 3D render of very highly detailed beautiful mystic portrait of a phantom undead mage ape with whirling galaxy around, tattoos by anton pieck, intricate, extremely detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, intimidating lighting, incredible art

1 year ago
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512x512px 1x1 grid 50 steps CFG 7.5

A wlop 3D render of very highly detailed beautiful mystic portrait of a phantom undead mage ape with whirling galaxy around, tattoos by anton pieck, intricate, extremely detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, intimidating lighting, incredible art

1 year ago
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512x512px 1x1 grid 50 steps CFG 7.5

A wlop 3D render of very highly detailed beautiful mystic portrait of a phantom undead mage ape with whirling galaxy around, tattoos by anton pieck, intricate, extremely detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, intimidating lighting, incredible art

1 year ago
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